Carol Sirney has served in multiple roles at UC Berkeley Extension, including Operations Manager of Academic Affairs, Special Assistant to the Dean, and Interim Registrar.  In her current role as Project Manager for the Center for Instructional Excellence, Carol enjoys assisting Dr. Ramu Nagappan, her colleagues and Extension instructors with curriculum development, instructor recruitment, evaluation and assessment, and initiatives in learning innovation and student engagement.

Sharon Doyle is the Director of the Sciences, Mathematics and Biotechnology team at UC Berkeley Extension. Sharon earned her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Boston University and

I have worked in the field of educational technology for more than 25 years at colleges and universities, such as Antioch College, Sinclair Community College, Ohlone College and now UC Berkeley

During the past few years, UC Berkeley Extension has experienced significant growth in international student enrollment. In Fall 2017, Extension hosted 919 international students; in Fall 2018, we

During the past few years, UC Berkeley Extension has experienced significant growth in international student enrollment. While many Extension international students enroll in programs that are

Ramu Nagappan is an Assistant Dean at UC Berkeley Extension, and Director of the Center for Instructional Excellence. Ramu earned his B.A. from Princeton University and Ph.D. in English from UC

The University of California has undertaken many efforts to improve how it prevents and responds to sexual violence and sexual harassment on UC campuses. The university has developed eCourses

You and your students may be concerned about recent reports of raids being planned by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to arrest undocumented individuals in