Lori is a believer in the benefits of continuing and professional education. She has completed several courses and programs offered by Extension, and she looks forward to more in the future. See you in class!

Justine Manaid was born and raised in the Phillipines’ Marikina City—”a town known for making beautiful shoes and leather goods and that holds the Guinness World Records™ record of having the

Work-life balance. What does it even mean? And when you do come up with a definition that works for you, how do you overcome the challenges to achieving and maintaining it? From creating a

“When it came to finances, my mom taught me early on the importance of saving my money and always having my money work for me,” Certificate Program in Personal Financial Planning graduate Lori

Volunteering your time is the epitome of altruism, but a related benefit to your selfless service is that it can also give you a career boost.

Like many of us, Jessica Raab Holmgren didn’t know what she wanted to do for a living after high school. Growing up on a sailboat in a marina in Everett, Wash., gave Jessica a unique background

“Use the right word.”

Oakland native Lia Mezzio says her mother—an English major who taught her early on to love reading, writing and languages—“was fond of saying that with a thesaurus in

Nearly 1 in 4 employees currently in the workforce are actively looking for a new job, and almost 1 in 5 people are looking to change careers. If you’re in either of these groups, it’s time to

A career in the trades renovating homes, to a new one as a speech pathologist, and then to work in editing. That's Megan Rupert’s career journey. The commonality is that each requires strong

“From a young age, I had an interest in finance and accounting, as I was taught to keep track of my finances and be prudent,” says Certificate Program in Accounting graduate Anson Tan.

“The clinical research process really takes a whole village to accomplish—which highlights the importance of project management. I discovered the huge amount of coordination and work needed, and