Classroom Tools for Creating Inclusiveness

As an instructor, there are many opportunities to engage with our student body's diversity, both in our community and particularly with our teaching. The following resources were compiled by UC Berkeley's Multicultural Education Program (MEP) and include resources from UC Berkeley and other institutions.

MEP is one of six initiatives funded by the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund to work toward institutional change and to create a positive campus climate for diversity. The program is also a Staff Diversity Initiative of UC Berkeley’s Division of Equity and Inclusion.

These resources suggest a number of actions you can take to make our classrooms a healthy and safe environment for all student learners. You will also find a number of suggestions on how to engage with specific diversity topics.

The Diverse Classroom Environment

Instructor Self-Awareness

Dynamics in a Diverse Classroom

Engaging With Diversity Topics

Campus Resources