Video Series: Berkeley-CNAM Horizon Events

Panel discussions with thought leaders on the "new normal" for managers

This year has been one marked by isolation on an unprecedented level, and many institutions simply put their international relations on ice for the time being.

Yet never before did we need this much more contact, more engagement, more collaboration between higher-education institutions and corporations around the globe to imagine and build a "new normal" for all of us.

Born of our partnership, Berkeley Global and CNAM launched the Berkeley-CNAM Horizon Event Series. Our ambitious objective was to bring together leading scientists and professionals from Europe and the U.S. to explore the impact of COVID-19 and the accelerated digitalization on all aspects of management.

In the recordings of our panel discussions, you'll discover leading-edge best practices, meaningful perspectives from research and informed visions on the key topics for managers who are moving into the "new normal." The conversations capture what is to come and what will be needed to be successful.

Enjoy these panel discussions.

Leading Agile Transformations: From Individual Teams to Enterprise Adoption

Key challenges in scaling Agile from the team to the enterprise level include issues related to enterprise governance, process management, adapting organizational structures and culture, workforce development, decision-making and strategy management. This panel discussion addresses these issues, the factors that contribute to success and tools that can lead the way to successful Agile transformations.

Check out the recap and video recording.

Digital Transformation, AI and the Virtual Workforce


Expert thought leaders share their best practices on how to manage the virtual workforce into this new normal. They discuss how organizations and employees can profit from higher work efficiency and less interpersonal conflict in virtual work environments, as well as from high cost and time efficiency for employees who don't have to commute and organizations that don't have to provide and maintain office space.


Rebound Strategies: Navigating a Post-COVID-19 World


The economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic opens up an array of questions and concerns for businesses. Is globalization about to reshape into a process of internationalization around poles or nations?

Managing From Chaos Into a New Normal


Challenge your understanding of the crisis, develop your resilience mindset and provoke your imagination of what the return to normalcy might look like for you.

The New Marketing of a New Tomorrow: Marketing Manifesto


Marketing can shape and drive the success of companies in this uncertain future, but the profession itself needs a reset. Developing this vision of a sustainable marketing will require a significant evolution of the marketer’s role, mindset, competencies and methods.