Lori is a believer in the benefits of continuing and professional education. She has completed several courses and programs offered by Extension, and she looks forward to more in the future. See you in class!

No stranger to UC Berkeley Extension—he has taken classes to earn CEUs—John Edwards found that the Professional Program in Eating and Weight Disorders was a natural fit to better serve his clients

Poring through numbers to prove causes and correlations as a psychological-health researcher at UCSF and UC Berkeley, Colin Fyfe began to miss the one-on-one communication that is part and parcel

For Professional Sequence in Technical Communication graduate Dianna Bautista, it was during her final year of studying biochemistry and cell biology abroad that she realized she wanted to pursue

After a short career break from being a software engiener, Sreevani Sreejith re-emerged with a career change to technical writing.

It takes a leap of faith to follow your passions—especially when you're an undergrad and have to declare a major. Aisa Valenzuela never faltered in her faith in writing.

Not content with easing into retirement by sitting, reading or watching TV, Ed Shockley has done some soul-searching as to "what's next."

UC Berkeley Extension instructor Christina Villarreal brings her extensive knowledge in evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to the classroom.

For Corey Datz-Greenberg, making a career change from union organizer to psychologist isn't that much of a mind-shift.

Students in the Post-Baccalaureate Program for Counseling and Psychology Professions have been admitted to a variety of schools, including but not limited to...

In the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program in Writing, Laurie Blanton is gaining new tools and structure to finesse her psychological fiction novels.