Writing, Editing and Technical Communication
Calling all writers and editors: Join our community and get serious about your craft. Position yourself to work in communications, ready your work for publication or simply gain formal training. Gain the demand skills employers are seeking or prepare yourself to be a competitive applicant to graduate school.
Meet Editing Graduate Lorna Partington Walsh
Not only is Lorna Partington Walsh enhancing her creative writing by learning the ins and outs of editing, she’s also helping other...
Let Your Crazy Child Run Free
When you take published poet Clive Matson’s Exploring Creative Writing course, you get an opportunity to experiment and discover your...
Writing Graduate Aisa Valenzuela Never Ignored Her Desire to Write
It takes a leap of faith to follow your passions—especially when you're an undergrad and have to declare a major. Aisa Valenzuela...
Using Editing Skills to Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages
North Carolina–based Elizabeth Bobst is more of a “rule-fudger than a rule-follower.”
A longtime educator—from middle- and...
More Than Just Messages
On Thursday, March 27, 2013, Ken Mandelkern had an aha moment. It was after supper, and he was on the couch reading A Farewell to Arms...
Writing Like a Champion
More than five years ago, Vincent Chu took an important step toward officially becoming a writer: enrolling in The Craft of Writing, a...
Video: Turn Your Writing Into Your Career
“It wasn't just one single moment that I had this cataclysmic kind of thought; it was more that I had a calling my whole life and then...
The “Non-Teaching” Teacher
“He is such a naturally talented teacher that I bet a knitting class with him would be fun and informative,” a Post-Baccalaureate...
Addressing the Career Challenges of New Freelance Editors
"I can't get a job if I don't have experience, but I can't get experience if I don't have a job." Writer Lorna Walsh became well aware...