Taking a Fresh Look at Your Four Walls

Now that many people are staying at home more than usual, many remote workers are looking to upgrade the place in which they spend the vast majority of their time.
Need inspiration on how to level-up your space? Read on!
Bookshelf Pineapple Needed
Your design thought process might start as you realize that your co-workers can see inside your home—see how you really live. Popular Twitter account Room Rater has been ranking various pundit’s backgrounds on a scale of 1–10 throughout the pandemic. It might be amusing to see how your local on-air talent lives, but your co-workers getting that same nosy view into your own non-public life might make you reconsider your surroundings.
What’s with all the pineapples? Apparently, Room Rater has a thing for decorative pineapples on bookshelves. (If the thought of following the piney herd makes no sense to you, however, there is a whole world of fake fruit available for your design needs.)
This Tchotchke Again?
There’s an element of design fatigue that sets in when you’re living and working in a space morning, noon and night. Favorite items or looks that you once might have loved start to take on an all-too-familiar aspect.
You don’t have to spend money to refresh your look, of course. Rearranging, repurposing and reimaging are all words that could become design mantras if you’re looking for a quick upgrade.
Finding Inspiration Online
Still, it’s nice to have expert feedback into any possible new interior looks.
There has been an uptick in the number of virtual interior design tools that you can use to add that extra something to your home decor. These tools can give you the knowledge you need to zhush up a room or two.
Nurturing Your Own Creativity
You may want a more thorough grounding in interior design before you rush off to the redesign stage.
We offer an array of courses that will develop your taste and talent, and perhaps help you with that home makeover you’ve been dreaming of in between Zoom meetings. (Or maybe during one of those particularly long meetings!)
The following courses require no prerequisites or previous knowledge—just an interest in interior design!
Fundamentals of Interior Design
Have no clue where to start? Does just the thought of rethinking your space make you give up and search for something new to binge on Netflix? Nail the basics of interior design.
Design Principles and Elements
Learn how to mix and match all your cool ideas into a harmonious whole. Take charge of your own space.
Design Communication I
Take your clever ideas and learn some cool tricks and techniques to get them down on paper. Get your hands dirty with drafting and drawing.
Color Theory and Application for Interiors
There’s more to color choice than that cool pink shade that was splashed all over Pinterest last year. Find out what works and what doesn’t, and why it works or doesn’t. Gain a deeper understanding of color.
History of Architecture, Interiors and Decorative Arts I
There’s a lot to be savored from thousands of years of interior design and decoration. Learn interior secrets from the time of Nefertiti to that of Napoleon, and then make it all yours in the 21st century. Learn from past masters.
The Certificate Is Always an Option
Of course, we do love it when students complete our certificates and go on to successfully reinvent their careers. Our Certificate Program in Interior Architecture and Interior Design can help you attain a new goal. Read lots of stories of successful graduates and you might discover a challenging and creative new career.
Kelly Finley came within a class of completing the certificate but a move to the Southland, consulting work, and the launch of her interior design business and its resultant success put the thought of continuing her continuing education on a back burner. Spoiler alert: she’s doing just fine.
We’re oh-so happy when students just want a taste or two of continuing education. So sign up for an interior design course today and get going on upgrading your space.