Oregon native Pete Dillon gravitated toward science rather than business early on, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Macalester College in Minnesota. After a yearlong role as a...

“From a young age, I had an interest in finance and accounting, as I was taught to keep track of my finances and be prudent,” says Certificate Program in Accounting graduate Anson Tan.


Since attending high school in the suburbs of Los Angeles, Hosea Lin has been guided to a career in business. He was chapter and sectional leader of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA),...

Accounting is for accountants, right? Well, not exactly. If you’re making any type of decision—financial or non-financial—you’ll need to understand managerial accounting.

We really do have the best students. They are the reason so many of our instructors continue to teach courses in the humanities, sciences, industrial and business fields.

Karen—who goes by Anna now—Papazian grew up in Walnut Creek, Calif., and attended UCLA for her undergraduate studies. In 1992, she graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in international...

Robin Duong has been moving up the accounting ranks. She started out as an accounts payable specialist at Allergan, moved to staff accountant at a luxury retail company in Santa Monica and is now...

Yves De Souza aims to put “cost accountant in a manufacturing environment” on his résumé. Why? “I enjoy solving problems, and accounting is a field where there are so many opportunities to assess...

When you enter Yan Gelman’s Intermediate Accounting I and Intermediate Accounting II classes, you enter a room full of a lifetime of experiences.

A UC Berkeley Haas School of Business...

When you start working at a startup, you may find yourself wearing multiple hats. It’s just the nature of the beast. You have to be adaptable, Agile.

Certificate Program in Accounting graduate Manisha Gilliam is ready for the next step in her accounting career: sitting for the Uniform CPA Examination® (CPA Exam) and becoming a licensed...

We value our dedicated instructors. They are working professionals who tirelessly share their experiences and knowledge with their lucky students.
Every year, we honor just a small number of...

For some, being a Trekkie and celebrating all that the series has to offer is just one aspect of their life. But for Jen St. Hilaire, the essence of Spock and Data also informs her career outlook...

You never hear people say they love being audited. But there are accounting professionals who do love being the auditor.

Take Certificate Program in Accounting instructor Marjorie Bailey,...

Ehab Saad, Ph.D., CMA, CFM, has a magical word that he believes makes him a successful teacher: love.

He loves teaching. Specifically, Ehab loves teaching numerical subjects such as...

There’s an expectation that when you graduate college, you’re going to pursue a riveting career in your chosen major. But for some, a passion in college doesn’t translate to a passion in the...

Medieval History is fascinating: manorialism, feudalism, Vikings, the Crusades. These are just a few of the highlights from this 10-century-long period that Aleisha Gottlund enjoyed teaching at...

“Professionally, this certificate has earned me a promotion and respect from the owners of Veritable Vegetable,” enthuses Certificate Program in Accounting graduate Casey Velasco of her new...

This story should sound familiar to anyone who is thinking of switching careers to accounting.

The sound of Todd Lawrence and his wife’s eight-month-old son crying as they dropped him off at daycare so they could go to work catapulted him toward a complete overhaul of his career. Instead of...

After working in IT for a number of years, Sterling Tai found that the work wasn’t his cup of tea. He was good at numbers and desired work that was long-term and stable. But to career-switch to a...

You can find Lyndsay Orwig starting the second rotation of her Accountant Internship Program with the City and County of San Francisco.

We are proud to announce that our Certificate Program in Accounting is ranked #2 by the Accounting Degree Review, an independent resource for current and prospective accounting and finance...

Brian Luo earned his B.S. in economics and mathematics from UC San Diego. Two years later, he found himself sitting in a UC Berkeley Extension accounting course at night while working full time as...

Learning in an online-only environment is certainly a different way to soak up knowledge than being in a physical classroom. But for Kyle Cameron, his determination to excel in the Certificate...