Project Management
Why the PMP® Certification Matters
Jun 9, 2020
For those of you who are not yet PMP®-certified and are considering whether to take that next step in your career, now is the time to...
Why Study Agile Project Management
Oct 4, 2019
“Agile is the future,” says Dave Pendorf, VP of Business Operations at Planisware, a company that provides project...
How to Prep For the PMP Exam
Aug 26, 2019
On Wednesday, August 14, current Project Management certificate students and others who are interested in taking the PMP® Exam came to...
Learning Various Functions of the Business World
I’m an international student from El Salvador who has been studying business.Before coming to UC Berkeley Extension, I finished my...
Learning to Be Ambitious
When Sera Balenagasau enters a room, you know it. She has a kindly demeanor and her voice rolls with a gentle cadence, but Sera has a...
How Lisa Bausell Got Into Project Management
Lisa Bausell, M.B.A., PMP, teaches Project Management and Project Leadership and Building High-Performing Teams. She has extensive...
Adding Structure to Project Management Roles
Brian Naylor knows a thing or two about online retail and project management, having worked with international brands across a range of...
Bringing Order to Rural Agricultural Development
In Nepal, agriculture is considered one of the major economic sectors—employing 66 percent of the total population and contributing 33...
Taking a View of the Forest, Not the Trees
Today, Anthony is fully invested in project management, working as an IT project manager at Agilent Technologies. There, he leads IT...