Career Change
From Tech to Marketing
After 13 years in technical and product support at Bio-Rad Laboratories, Carla Terry welcomes a career change that she can feel...
From Junior Biologist to Senior Medical Writer
“[Enrolling in the Certificate Program in Clinical Research Conduct and Management] was probably the best decision I've made in my...
The Caesura That Led to Medical School
While Jayinee Basu was pursuing her double major in literature/writing and political science—with a minor in studio art—at the...
Successful Career Change to Accounting
There’s an expectation that when you graduate college, you’re going to pursue a riveting career in your chosen major. But for some,...
Career-Changing From Software Engineering to Medicine
Despite traveling and working around the globe and working at lucrative tech startups, Bradley Heinz kept feeling the draw to...
21st-Century Careers
Career coaches, hiring managers and pundits agree that today’s careers are less likely to be linear and more waves of continuous...
Do the Side-Hustle!
Have you heard of the new career trend sweeping the nation? It’s called the “Side-Hustle” and it enables career changers to test...
Event Recap: 2017 Personal Financial Planning Career Night
On Nov. 30, 2017, current students and those interested in our Certificate Program in Personal Financial Planning came to our San...
Thinking of Making a Career Change?
Here’s some “food for thought” to help ease your transition.