The draw to sciences—and continual learning—runs deep for Elliott Asarch. It’s what propelled him to study bioengineering at UCLA and then continue on at Roseman University of Health Sciences to...

For Vivian Dao-Tong, the importance of clinical research and its positive effects on health are personal. One of her family members participated in a clinical trial for diabetes research and...

Alis Vazquez immerses herself in all things clinical research—be it on-the-job learning or a structured, expansive curriculum through our Certificate Program in Clinical Research Conduct and...

For Amanda Allen, health care is all about connecting the dots. For many years—both during her undergraduate studies at University of Colorado Boulder and then at Stanford University and now...

Reiss Reid is a self-proclaimed nerd. Like a moth to the flame, Reiss could spend all of his waking hours in the lab, developing new therapies to battle cancer by harnessing the power of the...

You’ve seen the TV ads time and again: A new prescription drug has just come to market that promises to alleviate the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease, arthritis, allergies, migraines or myriad other...

“[Enrolling in the Certificate Program in Clinical Research Conduct and Management] was probably the best decision I've made in my life—I am not exaggerating. I have my current job literally...

About 10 years ago, Marianna Lenoci found herself at a place in her career where she wasn’t advancing. Should she explore a career shift? Would additional education give her the needed bump?

This continuous flow of information and understanding are what brought Jennifer Cuvin to our Professional Program in Regulatory Affairs.

When pharmacist Swapna Deshpande moved to the United States in 2013, she had a Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Quality Assurance from her native India. One would have thought that she had the...

When Jennifer Brandl first began the Certificate Program in Clinical Research Conduct and Management online, she was a research associate and felt limited in career prospects as she lacked a...

A graduate of the Certificate Program in Clinical Research Conduct and Management, Joyce Nortey is now a clinical research associate—a position she believes is the result of receiving the...