A stickler for the rules, Justin Loughrey prides himself on consistently following every standard operating procedure by the letter. His first post-college job found him working as a quality-...

“Use the right word.”

Oakland native Lia Mezzio says her mother—an English major who taught her early on to love reading, writing and languages—“was fond of saying that with a thesaurus in...

A career in the trades renovating homes, to a new one as a speech pathologist, and then to work in editing. That's Megan Rupert’s career journey. The commonality is that each requires strong...

The technology that we know today was in its infancy when Scott Barney headed off to college. A career in communication wasn’t in his sights either.

Professional Sequence in Editing and Professional Sequence in Technical Communication graduate Amber Fischer grew up in Boulder, Colo., attended Colorado State University and earned a degree in...

Sure, you can ask Siri or Alexa to tell you a joke, add something to your grocery list or set a timer. You can even have your Tesla drive itself. The future of AI is here and it’s trickling down...

Maria Heintzinger has never been to Mars, the planet.

Maria has always lived in the surrounding communities of Pittsburgh and graduated from Mars Area High School. For college, she chose...

Electing to take nonfiction writing classes while working toward an international relations degree at Grand Valley State University, Kathryn started to gain experience that would later solidify as...

You could say Tracy Locken partially owes her career direction toward freelance editing to a junior high school choir—and her tween daughter.

How does an art curator and events assistant end up in a writing and editing career in financial services? Well, for Alison Kranz, it was by way of two internships in Sacramento.

Early on, Stephanie Martch knew that a combination of science and writing would make up her career path. What she didn’t know was that a proficiency in editing would be the skill that would...

Cathleen Small is enthusiastic about teaching.

That enthusiasm and ability to engage a class stems from her experience teaching freshman composition while pursuing her master’s degree in...

Not many people would think the roles of baker, musician and editor are all connected. But for Harlow Carpenter, who identifies as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, life is all about...

North Carolina–based Elizabeth Bobst is more of a “rule-fudger than a rule-follower.”

A longtime educator—from middle- and high-school English teacher, to college admissions reader, to...

Like Marie Coreil, you might already have a long, satisfying career in one industry when you suddenly find yourself wanting to pursue something new. For 23 years, Marie had taught medical...

"I can't get a job if I don't have experience, but I can't get experience if I don't have a job." Writer Lorna Walsh became well aware of this catch when she switched gears to embark on an editing...

Not only is Lorna Partington Walsh enhancing her creative writing by learning the ins and outs of editing, she’s also helping other editors launch their careers in the field.