At the intersection of technology and public good is where you’ll find Swapna Savant thriving. With every step forward in her career, Swapna is making significant, positive change in our world by...

Accounting is for accountants, right? Well, not exactly. If you’re making any type of decision—financial or non-financial—you’ll need to understand managerial accounting.

Given the rapid evolution of technology, seismic social challenges and changing employee expectations, leaders are seeking new insights and practices to up their game and help their organizations...

You could say that goodwill is a common thread in Ken Nim’s life.

A lifelong learner, Ken wants to instill compassion and charity in his professional and personal development. Completion...

There is an assumption that thinking like an entrepreneur means that you’ve got a new business or service that you want to bring to market. It’s the mindset that has been driving the successes of...

Leaders across industries are struggling to find the right compromise between business objectives of performance and creativity, efficiency and innovation, and employees voicing their wishes to...

Leaders are people who influence others to be great.
When you think of leadership and power moves, does majestic innovation come to mind?

Provides business-ready approaches and tools for critical current and on-the-horizon issues, such as managing disruption, big data analytics, AI-based automation, Agile strategy and operations,...

Leadership development is important. It’s also not always done well. Among the common mistakes I’ve seen:

"Almost half of managers moving into new roles significantly underperform. Underperforming new-to-role managers can have a detrimental impact on their direct reports' performance, intent to stay...

What do you think are the Five Most Important Leadership Lessons an employer can impart to a New Manager?

Working toward leadership and management skills often means taking continuing education courses to get certified in these professional competencies. José Tercero was one such person who followed...

With 20 years of experience in sales—the past 12 with BIA Cordon Bleu as VP of sales—Nathaniel Allen doesn't require new skills or knowledge to advance his career. Rather, he's looking for a new...

Daniel Levie's passion is cooking and has been since he was young. A sous chef at UC Berkeley's Cafe 3 dining hall, Levie not only pushes himself to further his own culinary adventures but also...